Identikit n°1
Initiators: Three friends/professionals with complementary talents and experiences
Dream: Building a multi-diverse organisation where dance facilitates cross-silo connections and mutual understanding in the neighbourhood
Place of birth: Bruxelles
Challenge: Co-create with a large diversity of people representing all kinds of organisations
Our contribution to their collaboration:
Help them clarify the shared dream; make it more concrete
Open up the conversation amongst them around topics as: personal ambitions, engagement, what gives me energy, what is not my cup of tea, how do we relate to eachother, how can we frankly speak up, …
Develop & facilitate the zoom-meetings they have with their fifteen potential partners
Identikit n°2
Initiators: Four engaged citizens, partners in a brand new, local energy-cooperation
Dream: Building a hydro-electric power station on the river that crosses the city
Place of Birth: Flanders
Challenges: Working together as a small, starting organisation with different, huge institutions around a highly technical and complex subject.
Our contribution to their emerging collaboration:
Install an open communication culture amongst them which stimulates every member to express his/her own voice
Bring forth the wisdom around the table to tackle specific challenges: p.e. how to become top of mind for institutional players, where to find the necessary technical expertise is now lacking, …
Prepare and facilitate the zoom-meetings they have with the potential partners